PHP Qcubed/Qcodo

How to use jQuery Datatables with Qcubed/Qcodo using Ajax Actions

In this tutorial we are going to look in to a quick way to use jQuery data tables with Ajax Actions. This can save you a lot of time if you are wanting to display custom reports or data in a tabular form that can be easily sorted, searched and paginated as well.

We will not use Qcubed/Qcodo datagrids for this example, Below are the sample php form and template file you will require. The code is pretty simple and self explanatory.

Below is the demo.php file

require ("framework/"); 

	class DemoForm extends QForm {
		protected $lstProduct;
		protected $calStartDate;
		protected $calEndDate;
		protected $btnSearch;
		protected $lblReport;
	    protected function Form_Run() { 
	    protected function Form_Create() {
			$this->lstProduct = new QListBox($this);
			$this->lstProduct->Name = "Product";
			$this->lstProduct->AddItem('-All Products-', null);
 			$arrAndCon = array();
 			$arrAndCon[] = QQ::Equal(QQN::Product()->Enabled, 1);
			$arrProduct = Product::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition($arrAndCon), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Product()->Name, true)));
			foreach($arrProduct as $objProduct){
				$this->lstProduct->AddItem($objProduct->Name, $objProduct->Id); 
			$this->calStartDate = new QCalendar($this);
 			$this->calStartDate->ShowButtonPanel = true;
			$this->calStartDate->Name = "Start Date"; 
			$this->calEndDate = new QCalendar($this);
 			$this->calEndDate->ShowButtonPanel = true;
			$this->calEndDate->Name = "End Date";
			$this->btnSearch = new QButton ( $this );
			$this->btnSearch->Text = QApplication::Translate ( 'Search' );
			$this->btnSearch->AddAction ( new QClickEvent (), new QAjaxAction ( 'btnSearch_Click' ) );
			$this->lblReport = new QLabel($this);   
			$this->lblReport->HtmlEntities = false;


		protected function btnSearch_Click(){
			if(!$this->calStartDate->DateTime) { $this->calStartDate->Warning = ("Start Date is required."); return false; }
			if(!$this->calEndDate->DateTime) { $this->calEndDate->Warning =  ("End Date is required."); return false; }

			$strHtml = <<<TTT
<table id="tblProduct" class="display" style="width:100%">

$arrProduct = array('TEST Product 1' => 12, "TEST Product 2" => 3);
foreach($arrProduct as $strName => $fltValue){  
$strHtml .=  "<tr>


$strHtml .= <<<TTT

$this->lblReport->Text = $strHtml;  

$strJS = "jQuery('#tblProduct').DataTable({'order': [[1, 'desc']]});";



and the demo.tpl.php

<?php $this->RenderBegin(); ?>

<section class="content">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12"><strong>Product:</strong><?php $this->lstProduct->RenderWithError(); ?></div>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-6"><strong>From Date:</strong><?php $this->calStartDate->RenderWithError(); ?></div>
        <div class="col-xs-6"><strong>To Date:</strong><?php $this->calEndDate->RenderWithError(); ?></div>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12"> <?php $this->btnSearch->Render('CssClass=btn btn-primary'); ?></div>
<?php $this->RenderEnd(); ?>

Please note in the tpl.php, in addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files and css files are required:
