In this tutorial we are going to look in to a quick way to use jQuery data tables with Ajax Actions. This can save you a lot of time if you are wanting to display custom reports or data in a tabular form that can be easily sorted, searched and paginated as well.
We will not use Qcubed/Qcodo datagrids for this example, Below are the sample php form and template file you will require. The code is pretty simple and self explanatory.
Below is the demo.php file
<?php require ("framework/"); class DemoForm extends QForm { protected $lstProduct; protected $calStartDate; protected $calEndDate; protected $btnSearch; protected $lblReport; protected function Form_Run() { } protected function Form_Create() { parent::Form_Create(); $this->lstProduct = new QListBox($this); $this->lstProduct->Name = "Product"; $this->lstProduct->AddItem('-All Products-', null); $arrAndCon = array(); $arrAndCon[] = QQ::Equal(QQN::Product()->Enabled, 1); $arrProduct = Product::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition($arrAndCon), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Product()->Name, true))); foreach($arrProduct as $objProduct){ $this->lstProduct->AddItem($objProduct->Name, $objProduct->Id); } $this->calStartDate = new QCalendar($this); $this->calStartDate->ShowButtonPanel = true; $this->calStartDate->Name = "Start Date"; $this->calEndDate = new QCalendar($this); $this->calEndDate->ShowButtonPanel = true; $this->calEndDate->Name = "End Date"; $this->btnSearch = new QButton ( $this ); $this->btnSearch->Text = QApplication::Translate ( 'Search' ); $this->btnSearch->AddAction ( new QClickEvent (), new QAjaxAction ( 'btnSearch_Click' ) ); $this->lblReport = new QLabel($this); $this->lblReport->HtmlEntities = false; } protected function btnSearch_Click(){ if(!$this->calStartDate->DateTime) { $this->calStartDate->Warning = ("Start Date is required."); return false; } if(!$this->calEndDate->DateTime) { $this->calEndDate->Warning = ("End Date is required."); return false; } $strHtml = <<<TTT <table id="tblProduct" class="display" style="width:100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>Product</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> TTT; $arrProduct = array('TEST Product 1' => 12, "TEST Product 2" => 3); foreach($arrProduct as $strName => $fltValue){ $strHtml .= "<tr> <td>$strName</td> <td>".$fltValue."</td> </tr>"; } $strHtml .= <<<TTT </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th>Product</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> </tfoot> </table> TTT; $this->lblReport->Text = $strHtml; $strJS = "jQuery('#tblProduct').DataTable({'order': [[1, 'desc']]});"; QApplication::ExecuteJavascript($strJS); } } DemoForm::Run('DemoForm'); ?>
and the demo.tpl.php
<?php $this->RenderBegin(); ?> <section class="content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"><strong>Product:</strong><?php $this->lstProduct->RenderWithError(); ?></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6"><strong>From Date:</strong><?php $this->calStartDate->RenderWithError(); ?></div> <div class="col-xs-6"><strong>To Date:</strong><?php $this->calEndDate->RenderWithError(); ?></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <?php $this->btnSearch->Render('CssClass=btn btn-primary'); ?></div> </div> <?php $this->lblReport->Render(); ?> </section> <?php $this->RenderEnd(); ?>
Please note in the tpl.php, in addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files and css files are required: